Saturday, April 2, 2016

Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 1
The Problem and Its Setting
                Water is an essential part of life. It is used by plants, animals and humans. People use it for many purposes. It can be used for taking a bath, washing clothes, cooking and especially for drinking. People are advised to drink clean and fresh water only. Even if the water is fresh, it will still contain some salt content. Water with high coliform content or high turbidity is not safe for drinking nor for bathing.
                There are different parameters used as basis for clean water or safe water. The parameters which will be used in this water analysis are coliform, turbidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and salinity.
Statement of the Problem
                This water analysis, known as “Identifying the Differences between Salt Water and Fresh Water in terms of Coliform, Turbidity, Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity and Salinity” was conducted with the aim of determining the differences between salt water and fresh water among seven given parameters which could affect its safety towards the use of humans and other living organisms.
                Specifically, it attempted to answer the following problem:
“What are the significant differences between salt water and fresh water in terms of:
a.       Coliform,
b.       Turbidity,
c.       Temperature,
d.       pH,
e.       Dissolved Oxygen,
f.        Conductivity, and
g.       Salinity?
                With the abovementioned problem, the researchers hypothesized that:
“There are no significant differences between salt water and fresh water in terms of: coliform, turbidity, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and salinity.”
Scope and Delimitations
                This water analysis looked into the differences between salt water and fresh water in terms of coliform, turbidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and salinity to know the safety of the water in human usage. This water analysis only made use of seven (7) parameters which were coliform, turbidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and salinity. Conductivity, pH and dissolved oxygen were only measured through a water analysis device and the device sensor and no other method as used. Also, only the surface temperature of the water was measured. The amount of coliform was only measured by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in Legazpi City.
                The study did not attempt to find out the different parameters’ effect on other organisms. Also, the study did not consider different amounts of the samples.
Significance of the Study
                The output of this water analysis would somehow benefit the following persons, entities and environment:
                People. The results of this research will help people know which type of fresh water could be safe for drinking. It can also determine which water is good for cooking, cleaning and bathing.
                Environment. The results of the analysis will enable the people to determine what is clean water. People could take appropriate measures when they detect water to be unsafe for use.  Also, no part of the environment was harmed nor broken while conducting this analysis.
                Fishermen. The results of the research will allow them to know which type of water has better catch. It would also allow them to know which type of water has cleaner water, which can also have safer fish to eat.
                Department of Health (DOH). This agency of the government can furthermore study the results of the water analysis so that they could monitor the safety of each area of water. They could allow the safer consumption of fresh water by knowing which water is cleaner.
                Future Science Researchers. This analysis would motivate and encourage future researchers to venture into more areas that could be tested of different parameters, aimed at determining safe water.

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