Chapter 5
Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter of the water
analysis contains the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations.
Water is used for many things
such as for drinking, bathing and cleaning. The present researchers came up
with the idea of knowing the safer type of water between salt water and fresh
water by knowing the differences in terms of some parameters. This water
analysis made use of parameters: coliform, turbidity, temperature, pH, dissolved
oxygen, conductivity and salinity, to know the significant differences between
salt water and fresh water. This water analysis is then called, “Identifying
the Differences between Salt Water and Fresh Water in terms of Coliform,
Turbidity, Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity and Salinity”.
Specifically, it attempted to answer the following problem: What are the
significant differences between salt water and fresh water in terms of: a.
coliform, b. turbidity, c. temperature, d. pH, e. dissolved oxygen, f.
conductivity, and e. salinity?
The single-group experimental
method was used in the study. The different parameters were measured through
their respective ways of measurement. The different results of the study were
recorded and were analyzed to show the findings.
This present water analysis came
up with the following findings
in terms of COLIFORM. The findings of the coliform test revealed that there
was very little coliform in the first sample taken from the water under the
bridge. Also, the greatest coliform came from the estuary. This shows that
fresh water can have very little coliform. Also, salt water also had small
amount of coliform. This could mean that there is no significant difference
between salt water and fresh water in terms of coliform with the exception of
the estuary which has the extremely large value of 3.3 x 102
MPN/100mL of coliform. In general, there is no significant difference between
salt water and fresh water in terms of coliform.
in terms of TURBIDITY. The findings of the turbidity test showed that the
salt water in the beach was very turbid compared to the estuary. The beach may
have had a very turbid water because of the different particles of sand in the
water. Also, its high turbidity could be caused by the different objects in the
water. The water in the estuary had low turbidity given that the water was
clear and the water was too low so the turbidity of the water should have been
less than the approximate length. Salt water is more turbid than fresh water.
In conclusion, there is a significant difference between salt water and fresh
in terms of TEMPERATURE. From the results of the temperature test, the
estuary had the highest surface temperature. The fresh water meanwhile had the
lowest temperature. The temperature of the three areas had no significant
in terms of pH. The three samples had no significant differences in terms
of pH.
in terms of DISSOLVED OXYGEN. The sample taken from the first place and the
second place had some differences in terms of dissolved oxygen. The beach,
however, had a significantly large amount of dissolved oxygen. Overall, salt
water has a significant difference with fresh water in terms of dissolved
in terms of CONDUCTIVITY. The three samples had significant differences
with each other. The fresh water had very little conductivity while the estuary
had the greatest conductivity. The salt water had average amounts of
conductivity. In general, salt water and fresh water have significant
difference in terms of conductivity
in terms of SALINITY. The first samples had very little salt content compared
to the estuary and the beach. The other two samples had very little differences
but have great differences with the fresh water. In conclusion, there is a
significant difference between salt water and fresh water.
the findings of the study, the researcher was able to deduce the following
There is no significant difference between salt
water and fresh water in terms of coliform, therefore, the null hypothesis is
There is a significant difference between salt water
and fresh water in terms of turbidity, therefore, the null hypothesis is
There is no significant difference between salt
water and fresh water in terms of temperature, therefore, the null hypothesis
is accepted.
There is no significant difference between salt
water and fresh water in terms of pH, therefore, the null hypothesis is
There is a significant difference between salt
water and fresh water in terms of dissolved oxygen, therefore, the null
hypothesis is rejected.
There is a significant difference between salt
water and fresh water in terms of conductivity, therefore, the null hypothesis
is rejected.
There is a significant difference between salt
water and fresh water in terms of salinity, therefore, the null hypothesis is
Overall, there is a significant difference between
fresh water and salt water, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
the conclusions deduced by the researchers, the following recommendations are
Similar investigatory project should be
conducted using different parameters;
The same investigatory project can be conducted,
but this time, more replicates and trials will be conducted;
Another investigatory project can be conducted
using other places where samples could be gotten.